1.What is your relationship with the breed? When did you get your first Flatcoat?

We had our first Flatcoat in 1988 but we consider SE J CH Zebulons Dora Dopping, born 1994, to be the foundation of our kennel as the bitchline we kept until today goes back to her. All three bitches we’ve got at home today originates from her. One of our bitches, Zebulons Karrakatta, won the Swedish Flatcoat Cold Game Championship this year and another bitch, Zebulons Aji Cochabamba, became the best young dog at the event, gathering around 400 Nordic Flatcoats.
In 1999 we had a bitch from Alex Faarkrog (Kennel Friia) in Denmark, SE J CH Friia Agnar Windy, who was quite successful at Cold game tests and Field Trials, not the least becoming the best minor breed and the third best dog handled by Åke Fuchs at the CLA/The Aigle World Challenge, at Belvoir Castle, in 2005. We’re sorry to say we haven’t been able to keep her line but her blood appears in the Finnish working Flatcoat bloodlines.
All our dogs are used for shooting and we spend a lot of time trialling and testing the dogs.
2. What do you like the most in a working Flatcoated Retriever?
We love the personality of the Flatcoats as they are always happy and positive whatever you want to do. They are always willing to go out shooting no matter the weather.

3. What abilities do you look for when you are breeding a working Flatcoated retriever?
We look for spontaneity when it comes to game retrieving, a strong will to please, a placid, non-stress attitude and an ability to keep quiet no matter the situation.
4.What could be done to promote the Flatcoat as a field trial/working test dog?
Run regular training sessions with all your puppy buyers from puppyhood until their dogs have grown up. Guide your buyers to do the right thing from the very beginning.

5. How does a working Flatcoat excel as a picking up dog?
They are excellent, first class markers, with a strong working passion making them enter waters willingly until the end of the season when waters are icy.
6. What’s important to emphasize when training a Flatcoated retriever?
Don’t move too fast and don’t build up expectations. Build a solid base and move on from there. Move slowly!
Gisela & Åke Fuchs
Kennel Zebulons