Flatmästerskapet 2018

The Swedish Working Test Championship
The Swedish Flatcoated Retriever Club organizes an open Working Test Championship in August every year. It is most probably the largest breed specific working test in the world welcoming more than 400 Flatcoat owners from the Nordic countries and many other European countries. It is arranged as a regular working test offering tests for five different classes with five test stations in every class.
UKL: (Unghunds klass)) dogs younger than 24 month. NKL: (Nybörjar klass) for dogs older than twenty-four months not started in ÖKL. Dogs having received a 1st prize may remain in the class during the current calendar year. Dogs are not entitled to go back to this class when started in a higher class. ÖKL: (Öppen class) For dogs having received a 1st prize in UKL or NKL but not more than one 1:st price in this class. EKL: (Elit klass) for dogs winning two 1st prizes in ÖKL. VKL: (Veteran klass) For dogs who reached the age of 9 years by the first day of the Championship, regardless of previous

Winners EKL: Link to all results

Winners VKL: Link to all results

Winners ÖKL: link to all result ÖKL

Winners NKL: link to all result NKL

Winners UKL: Link to all result UKL
The Swedish Flatcoated Retriever Club is divided into eleven local sections and the Flatmästerskap is arranged by the different sections according to a rolling scheme. This year it was arranged by the Västra section and the coming year it will arranged by the Skåne/Blekinge section, in the southern part of Sweden. It gives excellent opportunities for working Flatcoat enthusiasts from other countries to compete or just watch some good Flatcoat work in a friendly atmosphere.
Alex Faarkrog